Information about the Controller
- Identity of the Controller: DHA Arquitectura S.L.P.
- Commercial name: DH Arquitectura
- NIF/CIF (Tax ID Number/Code): B67546051
- Address: C/ València, 178, 6-1, C.P: 08011 (Barcelona)
- Email:
- Recorded in the Companies Registry of Barcelona, Volume 47200, Folio 82, Page B-544.501.
In this space, the USER may find all the information pertaining to the legal terms and conditions that define the relationship between users and us as the controllers of this web page. As a user, it is important that you know these terms before continuing to browse.
DHA Arquitectura S.L.P., as the controller of this web page, assumes the commitment to process the information of our users and customers with full assurance and to comply with national and European requirements that regulate the compilation and use of the personal data of our users.
Therefore, this web page complies rigorously with the GDPR (REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 on data protection) and with the LSSI-EC Law 34/2002 of 11 July, on services of the information society and electronic commerce.
General conditions of use
These General Conditions regulate the use (including mere access) of the web pages comprised in the website of DH Arquitectura, including the content and services made available on them. Anyone who may access the web page of (“User”) agrees to submit to the General Conditions in force at any given time of the portal,
Personal data that we collect and how we do it
Read the Privacy Policy
Commitments and obligations of users
The User is hereby informed, and accepts, that access to this web page does not represent in any way the beginning of a commercial relationship with DH Arquitectura. The user thus undertakes to use this Website, its services, and its content without violating legislation in force, good faith, or public order.
Use of the web page for unlawful or harmful purposes is prohibited, or in any other way that could cause harm to or prevent the normal operation of the website. Regarding the content of this web page, the following is prohibited:
- The total or partial reproduction, distribution, or modification hereof, barring authorisation from the legitimate owners hereof;
- Any violation of the rights of the provider or of the legitimate owners;
- The use hereof for commercial or advertising purposes.
When using the web page,, the User undertakes to not carry out any behaviour that could harm the image, interests or rights of DH Arquitectura or of third parties or that could harm, render useless, or overload the portal or that could in any way prevent normal use of the web page.
Nevertheless, the User must be aware that the security measures of Internet computer systems are not entirely reliable and that, therefore, DH Arquitectura cannot guarantee the non-existence of viruses or other elements that could cause alterations to the User’s computer systems (software and hardware) or to their electronic documents and files contained in the same.
Security measures
The personal data communicated by the user to DH Arquitectura may be stored in databases that may or may not be automated, of which DH Arquitectura is the exclusive owner, wherefore it assumes all the measures of a technical, organisational, and security nature that guarantee the confidentiality, integrity, and quality of the information contained in the same, in accordance with the provisions set forth in regulations in force on data protection.
Communications between users and DH Arquitectura take place through a secure channel, and the transmitted data are ciphered thanks to https protocols. Therefore, we guarantee the best security conditions so that the confidentiality of users is guaranteed.
DHA Arquitectura S.L.P. (DH Arquitectura) hereby states that there are complaint forms available to users and customers.
Users may lodge complaints by requesting a complaint form or by sending an email to, thereby indicating their name and surnames and stating the reasons for their complaint.
A user may notify us of the complaint either via email at or by postal mail addressed to DH Arquitectura, C/ València, 178, 6-1, C.P: 08011 (Barcelona), thereby including the following information:
- Name and surnames
- Address
- Signature of the user (only if submitted on paper)
- Date
- Reason for the complaint
Dispute resolution platform
If you find it of interest, you may also use the dispute resolution platform provided by the European Commission to submit your complaints, which is available at the following link:
Intellectual and industrial property rights
In accordance with the provisions set forth in Articles 8 and 32.1, paragraph two, of the Intellectual Property Act, the reproduction, distribution, and public communication of all or part of the content of this web page (including the making available mode), on any support and by any technical means, are prohibited for commercial purposes without the authorisation of DH Arquitectura. The user undertakes to respect the Intellectual Property and Industrial Property rights owned by DH Arquitectura.
The user knows and accepts that all the website, including but not limited to the text, software, content (including the structure, selection, ordering, and presentation of the same), podcast, photographs, and audiovisual and graphic materials are protected by trade marks, copyrights, and other legitimate rights, in accordance with the international treaties to which Spain is a party and other property rights and laws of Spain.
In the event that a user or a third party deemed that there had been an infringement of their legitimate intellectual property rights due to the introduction of certain content on the web page, they must notify this circumstance to DH Arquitectura, therefore indicating:
- The personal data of the data subject who owns the presumably infringed rights, or indicating the representation according to which they act in the event that the complaint is filed by a third party other than the data subject.
- The content protected by intellectual property rights and its location on the web page, proof of the indicated intellectual property rights, and an express statement in which the data subject is liable for the veracity of the information provided in the notification.
External links
The pages of the website,, provide links to other proprietary websites and content owned by third parties.
The sole purpose of the links is to provide Users with the possibility of accessing those links.
DH Arquitectura may not, in any event, be held liable for the results that might be derived from accessing those links by the User.
Exclusion of guarantees and liabilities
The Provider does not give any guarantee and may not be held liable, in any event, for the damages of any nature that could be derived from:
- lack of availability, maintenance, and effective operation of the web page or of its services and content;
- the existence of viruses, malware, or harmful programmes in the content;
- use that is unlawful, negligent, fraudulent, or contrary to this Legal Notice;
- the lack of lawfulness, quality, reliability, utility, or availability of the services provided by third parties and made available to users on the website;
- the provider may not be held liable, under any concept, for the damages that could arise from the illegal or improper use of this web page.
Applicable law and jurisdiction
In general, relationships between DH Arquitectura and the Users of its IT services present on this web page are subject to Spanish legislation and jurisdiction and the courts of Barcelona.
If a User has any question about these legal Conditions or has any comment about the portal,, they should contact